2025-01-22 英業達、VicOne 和 Skymizer 攜手合作在日本國際汽車工業技術博覽會共同展示智慧座艙GenAI 網路安全解決方案..... more 2025-01-22 Inventec, VicOne, and Skymizer Join Hands to Showcase GenAI Cybersecurity Solution for Smart Cockpits at Tokyo Automotive World..... more 2025-01-22 英業達加速AI商轉 新異常檢測技術亮相ECCV ..... more 2024-12-09 英業達「VectorMeshTM」NPU IP首獲EETIMES 2024亞洲金選獎, 再次讓英業達自主研發 NPU的實力備受肯定!..... more 2024-12-06 Inventec Announces a Laboratory for The Ultra-Wide Possibilities of Ultra-Wideband Powered by NXP's Trimension UWB Portfolio..... more 進入 進入 進入